Mutual Witness

Scripture Reading - Amos 3:3 KJV

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will speak on the “Witness of God” inside of our heart. First we will note that every true believer (the ones that are born again) has the “Witness of God” in their heart according to Romans 8:16 KJV which states, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” This shows us that once the believer becomes a child of God (being born-again) the witness of God’s Spirit is on the inside of that person. First your own spirit, the human heart, is proclaiming God is my very own Father and God’s Spirit is confirming that truth in your heart (your spirit man) with a yes and Amen! We often say that being born again is the most important decision of our life while here on earth so you can get to God’s Heaven. Therefore it is easy to understand the witness speaking inside your heart bearing witness to truth and righteousness and this witness of God condemns all falseness (lies, deception and ungodliness) and unrighteousness (wickedness, evil intentions and erroneous information). Let every believer, yes every child of God, fully understand the witness of God doesn’t only bear witness to the truth that you are born-again but all truth. Yes, all truth upon the face of the earth and all truth established in the Kingdom of Heaven too. Looking at 1 John 2:20 KJV which states, “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” This witness of heart (not a mind decision), is also known as the unction of heart. This unction of heart that comes from God’s Heart will give direction and peace to your heart whenever you follow it. We did notice that the previous scripture of 1 John 2:20 KJV does say, “You know all things” therefore this witness is a good and safe guide to both spiritual things, mental things, natural things including physical things. God uses this spiritual witness of heart, also known as the unction to teach us exactly what we need to do and also what things we need to avoid. We (ihlcc) don’t think anyone wants to make mistakes primarily because mistakes can be costly and certain mistakes can cost you both spiritually and naturally. Notice 1 John 2:27 KJV which states, “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” This anointing from God abides continuously within our heart speaking out truth and seeking truth in all things. This is why we say the children of God just ought to act and speak like their Heavenly Father, God. We must bear witness to truth and let God’s Truth guide us continuously because when we don’t adoption and display God’s Will we are then following (doing) man’s will or at the worst case we are performing the will of the evil one. We spent some time reviewing the witness of God in our heart so that we all know this witness is commonly referred to as “The Unction” or “The Anointing of God”. The references or descriptions may be different but their purpose and function is always the same. The Witness is a truth revealer and practitioner, so must we be also. We must be cautious not to override this witness or ignore it because when truth is revealed to us we are obligated by God to obey His instructions (in-depth direction, divine knowledge, spiritual enlightenment). The reason it is so important to obey is because we have a real enemy among us seeking to kill, steal and destroy us including Satan’s plans to destroy all people upon the earth. Now that the foundation is set, we can simply say the “Mutual Witness” is the unity of you and the person you are working with have the same heart concerning God. Whether it is an assuring peace which indicates a “Yes” move forward with the plan or a check/block in your heart which indicates “no” stop what you were planning on doing. For example many people pray and many people quote scripture but that doesn’t mean they have sincerely asked God to get His insight. Yes, “Mutual Witness” encourages the child of God to go to God first looking for the inner witness of truth & righteousness then hold tight to that and when you plan of doing something with a friend, acquaintance, family member or even church member should check inside your own heart first, then you ready to check with the church member to see if they are getting the same witness. If yes, proceed but if no, please pause or put on hold for a season to see if you two can align spiritually concerning the witness at a later date or if it is better to not do the assignment as a team. Remember, “How can two walk together except they (the two) be agreed?” Sometimes going your own separate way is God’s Will over following someone into something that grieves your heart. Remember dear child of God, we follow a smart God that we obey our spirit, soul and body because we have the heart of God as His children and we truly want to please The Lord. Yes, we have the witness of God as children of God who love our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing that this is one of God’s personal gifts to us so we should use this gift to honor our Lord and aid us in our decision making in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!